Applied Mathematics
Paper pattern for Applied Mathematics chapter-wise for University of Sargodha is given on this page. This pattern is extracted from syllabus, so use your own risk. Syllabus of Applied Mathematics can be seen here.
Applied Mathematics is consists of two papers of 100 marks each. One is called “Paper A” and other is called “Paper B”. In every paper there are three sections with four questions each. A student have to attempt two questions from each section.
Paper A
Attempt six questions in all, selecting two questions from each section.
Section I
- Chapter # 9, 10 - Method
- Exercises 9.2 to 9.7 and Exercises 10.2 to 10.6 (Recommended)
Section II
- Chapter # 11 - Method
- Numerical analysis
Section III
- Statistic
- Linear programming
Paper B
Attempt six questions in all, selecting two questions from each section.
Section I
- Vector Analysis (Chapter 2,3,4: Recommended)
- Chapter # 2,3 - Mechanics
Section II
- Chapter # 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Mechanics
Section III
- Chapter # 10, 12 - Mechanics
- Chapter # 8 - Calculus
Calculus = Calculus with Analytic Geometry Published by Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
M. Method = Mathematical Method Published by Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
Vector Analysis = Elementary Vector Analysis published by The Caravan Book House, Lahore.
Mechanics = Introduction to Mechanics by Dr. Q.K. Ghori