19th International Pure Mathematics Conference 2018, Islamabad (17-19 August 2018)
This conference will provide a stimulating opportunity to meet experts from various countries in a variety of branches of pure mathematics. The entire conference will be organized at the modern, peaceful and beautiful federal capital of Pakistan. There will be free lodging for foreign participants in a first class hotel. Several free recreational trips will be organized in and around Islamabad introducing the unique local and multi-ethnic culture.
- Name of conference: 19th International Pure Mathematics Conference 2018
- Palace: Hotel Margalla, Islamabad - PAKISTAN.
- Date: 17–19 August, 2018
- Last date for registration: 10th August 2018
- Last date for submission of abstracts and full papers: 14th August 2018
- Fee
- Registration Fee
- Local Pakistani's Participants : Rs. 3000
- International Participants : US$ 100.00
- Valid PakMS Members, till Dec, 2017 : Rs. 2000
- Accommodation: The accommodation fee for local speakers is Rs.3500.00 per person and for local participants is Rs. 5000.00 per person.
- Website: http://www.pmc.org.pk/
Registration can be made via online form available at http://www.pmc.org.pk/registrations.htm