MTH480: Introductory Quantum Mechanics
The physical principles and mathematical formalism of quantum theory, with emphasis on applications to atomic, molecular, and many-body physics; scattering phenomena; and electromagnetism (photon physics).
It is intended to supplement the discussion of hydrogen and many-electron orbital’s commonly found in general chemistry text books with a deeper understanding of the underlying physical principles. The relationship between classical and quantum mechanics is explored to illustrate how physical objects can be viewed both as a particle and a wave.
Course Contents
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics. State vectors. Formal properties of quantum mechanical operators. Eigenvalues and eigenstates, simple harmonic oscillator. Schrodinger representation. Heisenberg equation of motion Schrodinger equation. Potential step, potential barrier, potential well. Orbital angular momentum. Motion in a centrally symmetric field. Hydrogen atom. Matrix representation of angular momentum and spin. Time independent perturbation theory, degeneracy. The Stark effect. Introduction to relativistic Quantum Mechanics.