MATH-305: Real Analysis-I
Objectives of the course:
This is the first rigorous course in analysis and has a theoretical emphasis. It tegorously develops the fundamental ideas of calculus and is aimed to develop the students’ ability to deal with abstract mathematics and mathematical proofs.
Course Contents:
Real Number System: Ordered fields, The field of Reals, The extended real number system, Euclidean space. Numerical Sequences and Series: Limit of a sequence, Bounded sequence, Monotone sequences, Limit superior and inferior, Subsequences, Infinite series of constants, Test for convergence of series, Absolute and conditional convergence. Continuity: Limit of a function and continuous function, Continuity and compactness, Continuity and connectedness, Uniform continuity, Kind of discontinuities. Differentiation: The derivative of a real function, Mean value theorems, The continuity of derivatives, Taylor’s theorem. Riemann Stieltjes Integral: Definition of Riemann Integral, Upper and lower sums, Integrability criterion, Classes of integrable functions, Properties of the Riemann Integral.
Books Recommended:
- Rudin W. 1976. Principles of Mathematical Analysis. 3rd ed. MCGraw Hill.
- Apostal T.M., 1974. Mathematical Analysis. 2nd ed. Addison Wesley.
- Kaplan W., 1973. Advanced calculus. 2nd ed. Addison Wesley.
- Rabenstein R.L.,1984. Elements of Ordinary differential equations. 1st ed. Academic Press.
- Bartle R,G, Donald R.S., 1999. Introduction to Real Analysis, 3rd ed. Wiley.
- Royden H. 1988. Real Analysis. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall/ Pearson Edition.