MTH731: Topology
Introduction to Topological Structures and basic concepts (Revision) Topological Groups, Connected Spaces, Path Connected Spaces, Compact Spaces, Locally Connectedness and Locally Compactness, Homeomorphism and Topological Properties, n-spheres and Projective Spaces, The Separation axioms, Normal Spaces, The Urysohn Lemma, Numerability axioms, Covering spaces, The Tychnoff Theorem, Paracompact spaces, Manifolds (Brief Introduction), Imbedding of Manifolds, Introduction to Dimension Theory.
Notes, assignments, quizzes & handout
Assignments and Quizzes
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Recommended Books
- N. Bourbaki, “ General Topology” Spring 1989
- John G. Hocking, Gail S. Young, “ Topology” Addison-Wesley 1961
- J.R Munkres, “ Topology” 2nd Edition.
- M.A. Armstrong, “ Basic Topology” Springer 2004