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- University of the Punjab, Lahore (Old Papers) @papers:old_papers_for_bsc_mathematics
- ====== University of the Punjab, Lahore (Old Papers) ====== {{ :papers:old_papers_for_bsc_mathematics:old-papers-bsc-pu.jpg?nolink&300|Old paper PU}} Old papers for BSc (Mathematics), University of the Punjab, Lahore. ((University of the Punjab (PU) logo used on this page is the property of PU and this page has no official links w... year. Syllabus and chapter-wise paper pattern for Mathematics A & B courses is available [[BSc:Paper Pattern:Punjab University:B.Sc. Paper Pattern for General Mathematics Split
- Paper Pattern for General Mathematics @bsc:paper_pattern:punjab_university
- eral Mathematics ====== Paper pattern for General Mathematics chapter-wise for University of the Punjab, Lahore is given on this page. This pattern is ex... t type="success" icon="fa fa-download"> * [[pdf>files/bsc/dn.php?file=BSC_maths_paper_pattern_general_farooq.pdf|Download PDF ~ BSC_maths_paper_pattern_general_farooq.pdf]] </callout> {{tag>BSc Punjab_University Paper_pattern Syllabus}}
- Paper Pattern for A-Course of Mathematics @bsc:paper_pattern:punjab_university
- Mathematics ====== Paper pattern for A-Course of Mathematics, chapter-wise for University of the Punjab, Lahore is given on this page. This pattern is ex... use at your own risk. <html> <img src="../../../files/bsc/BSC_maths_paper_pattern_farooq_a.gif" alt="BSc Mathematics Paper Pattern" class="mediacenter img-responsive"... type="success" icon="fa fa-download"> * [[pdf>files/bsc/dn.php?file=BSC_maths_paper_pattern_farooq.pdf|Download PDF ~ BSC_maths_paper_pattern_farooq.pdf]] </callout> {{tag>BSc Punjab_University Paper_pattern Syllabus}}
- Paper Pattern for B-Course of Mathematics @bsc:paper_pattern:punjab_university
- Mathematics ====== Paper pattern for B-Course of Mathematics chapter-wise for University of the Punjab, Lahore is given on this page. This pattern is ex... Prof. Muhammad Farooq. <html> <img src="../../../files/bsc/BSC_maths_paper_pattern_farooq_b.gif" alt="BSc Mathematics Paper Pattern Paper A" class="mediacenter img-r... t type="success" icon="fa fa-download"> * [[pdf>files/bsc/dn.php?file=BSC_maths_paper_pattern_farooq.pdf|Download PDF~BSC_maths_paper_pattern_farooq.pdf]] </callout> {{tag>BSc Punjab_University Paper_pattern Syllabus}}