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Exercise 11.1 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit11
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ven. There are two questions in this exercise and solution of both the questions are given below. <grid><col... Find the measures of its remaining angles.** **Solution:**\\ {{ :matric:9th_science:unit11:ex11-1-9th-sci... . Find the measures of its interior angles.** **Solution:**\\ {{ :matric:9th_science:unit11:ex11-1-9th-sci
Exercise 2.6 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
7 Hits, Last modified:
jugate is always a non-negative real number.\\ **Solution**\\ (i) False (ii) False (iii) True (iv) Tru... 9i)$ (iv) $2i^2+6i^3+3i^{16}-6i^{19}+4i^{25}$ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} (2+3i)+(7-2i) &= ... }}-3i)^2$\\ (iv) $(2-3i){\overline{(3-2i)}}$\\ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} (-7+3i)(-3+2i) &=... {1+i}/{1-i})^2$\\ (vi) $\frac{1}{(2+3i)(1-i)}$ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} \frac{-2}{1+i}
Exercise 2.4 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
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43\right)}{\left(9^2n\right)\left(3^3\right)}$ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} \begin{array}{cl} \... \times\left(\frac{x^c}{x^a}\right )^{c+a}= 1$$ **Solution**\\ $$\begin{array}{cl} \left(x^{a-b}\right)^{a+b
Exercise 2.5 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
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(vi) $i^{27}$ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} i^7 &= {i^6}\cdot i\... -3 + 4i$ (v) $-4 - i$ (vi) $i - 3$ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} z = 2 + 3i\\ \bar{z}... (v) $-3i$ * (vi) $2 + 0i$ **Solution**\\ (i) $$\begin{array}{cl} z = 1 + i\\ Re(z) = ... value of x and y if $x + iy + 1 = 4 - 3i$ **Solution**\\ $$\begin{array}{cl} x + iy + 1 = 4 - 3i\\ \hb
Exercise 2.3 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
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* (iv) $y^\frac{-2}{3}$\\ **Solution**\\ * (i) $\sqrt[3]{-64} = -64^\frac{1}{3}$ (... * (iv) $\sqrt[3]{x}^{27} = x^3$\\ **Solution**\\ * (i) False * (ii) True * (iii) Fal
Exercise 2.2 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
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a > b \Rightarrow ac > bc? (c >0)$ ... ... ... **Solution**\\ * (i) $a + b = b + a$ ... ...... ( Com... \ &= 3y ... ... ... (iv) \end{array} $$ **Solution**\\ * (i) Distributive property of multiplicat
Exercise 2.1 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
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iv) $\frac{15}{2}$ (v) $7.25$ (vi)$\sqrt{29}$ **Solution**\\ * Rational: $\frac{1}{6}$, $\frac{15}{2}$,
Review exercise
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se ====== On the following page we have given the solution of Review exercise of Mathematics 9 (Science) pub... g by factorization. $8x^4-128$ , $12x^3-96$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align}8x^4-128 &= 8(x^4-16)\\&=8... on.\\ $12x^2-75, 6x^2-13x-5, 4x^2-20x+25$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align}12x^2-75 &= 3(4x^2-25)\\&=3... 4x^2-x+28$ is $x^2+5x+7$, find their L.C.M.\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align}p(x)&= x^4+3 x^3+5 x^2+26 x
Exercise 6.3
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.3 ====== On the following page we have given the solution of Exercise 6.3 of Mathematics 9 (Science) publis... -3)(2X^2+11x-21)$\\ (i) $4x^2-12xy +9y^2$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align}4x^2-12xy +9y^2\\&=4x^2-6x... gn}$ (ii) $x^2-1+\frac{1}{4x^2}, (x\neq 0)$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align}x^2-1+\frac{1}{4x^2}\\&=(x)... {1}{16}x^2-\frac{1}{12}xy+ \frac{1}{36}y^2$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align}\frac{1}{16}x^2-\frac{1}{12
Exercise 6.2
14 Hits, Last modified:
.2 ====== On the following page we have given the solution of Exercise 6.2 of Mathematics 9 (Science) publis... x^2-x-6}{x^2-9}+\frac{x^2+2x-24}{x^2-x-12}$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align} \frac{x^2-x-6}{x^2-9}&+\fra... }-\frac{4x}{x^2+1}\right]+\frac{4x}{x^4-1}$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align} \left[\frac{x+1}{x-1}-\frac... +15}+\frac{1}{x^2-4x+3}-\frac{2}{x^2-6x+5}$\\ **Solution:**\\ $\begin{align} \frac{1}{x^2-8x+15}+\frac{1
Exercise 6.1
10 Hits, Last modified:
.1 ====== On the following page we have given the solution of Exercise 6.1 of Mathematics 9 (Science) publis... \ (ii) $102xy^2z$, $85x^2yz$ and $187xyz^2$ \\ **Solution:** (i) $39x^7y^3z=13\times 3\times x^7 y^3 z$\\ ... +2)$\\ (v) $36(3x^4+5x^3-2x^2)$, $54(27x^4-x)$ **Solution:**\\ (i) $\begin{align} x^2+5x+6&=x^2+3x+2x+6,... z^7$ \\ (ii)$102xy^2z$, $85x^2yz$ , $187xyz^2$ **Solution:**\\ (i) $\begin{align} 39x^7y^3z &=3 \times 13
Exercise 4.1
11 Hits, Last modified:
.1 ====== On the following page we have given the solution of Exercise 4.1 of Mathematics 9 (Science) publis... ^2-3x+\sqrt{2}$\\ (iv) $\frac{3x}{2x-1}+8$\\ **Solution:** (i) $3x^2+\frac{1}{x}-5$\\ $No (Reason:\fr... \\ (iv) $\frac{2\sqrt{x}+3}{2\sqrt{x}-3}$\\ **Solution:**\\ (i) $3x^2+\frac{1}{x}-5$\\ $No (Reason:\... $\\ (viii) $\frac{9x^2-(x^2-4)^2}{4+3x-x^2}$\\ **Solution:**\\ (i) $\frac{120 x^2y^3z^5}{30x^3yz^2}$\\ $\be