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MTH103: Exploring Quantitative Skills
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ple and compound interest with applications. === Geometry: === Fundamentals of Geometry, Applications of Pythagorean theorem, Introduction to unit circles, trigonom... rse trigonometric functions, problem solving with geometry, ===== Notes, assignments, quizzes & handout ===
MATH-608: History of Mathematics
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ng the contributions of Al-Khwarzmi and Ibn Kura. Geometry: the areas, the work of Al-Toussi on Euclud’s axi
MTH231: Linear Algebra
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from linear algebra are also used in analytically geometry, engineering, physics, natural sciences and compu
What is Mathematics? @atiq:math-608
1 Hits, Last modified:
ons. Oh yes--- and learning rules and formulas in geometry too. I am afraid that all too many students of ca