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FSc Part 1 (KPK Boards)
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ers. * know the solution of simultaneous linear equations with complex co-efficients. * write the polynom... as product of linear factors. * solve quadratic equations in complex variable with real co-efficients. ===... nd rank of a matrix. * solve a system of linear equations of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. === Download === <callout type="success" icon="fa fa-do
Chapter 04: Quadratic Equations @fsc:fsc_part_1_solutions
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====== Chapter 04: Quadratic Equations ====== {{ :fsc:fsc_part_1_solutions:fsc-1-chap-04-ptb.jpg|Chapter 04: Quadratic Equations}} Notes (Solutions) of Chapter 04: Quadratic Equations, Text Book of Algebra and Trigonometry Class XI (Math... === * Introduction * Solutions of Quadratic Equations * Exercise 4.1 * Solutions of Equations Red
Unit 03: Integration @fsc:fsc_part_2_solutions
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ite Integrals * Exercise 3.7 * Differential Equations * Solution of a Differential Equation of Firs
Unit 01: Functions and Limits @fsc:fsc_part_2_solutions
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ph of Implicit Function * Graph of parametric Equations * Graph of Discontinuous Function * Graphical Solution of the Equations * Exercise 1.5 <callout type="tip" icon="tru