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Exercise 11.1 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit11
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mat H. Dar and Prof. Irfan-ul-Haq has been given. There are two questions in this exercise and solution o
Exercise 2.5 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
2 Hits, Last modified:
imaginary parts} \\ iy = -3i\\ \therefore y = -3\\ x + 1 = 4\\ x = 4 - 1\\ \therefore x = 3 \end{array}$$
Exercise 2.1 (Solutions) @matric:9th_science:unit_02
5 Hits, Last modified:
, Theorem)$$ $$(m \overline{OB})^2 = 4 + 1 = 5 $$ therefore $$m \overline{OB} = \sqrt{5}$$ thus $$m \ove... The mean of the numbers is between given numbers. Therefore $\frac{3/4+5/9}{2}= \frac{47}{72}$ is a numbe... 2)$$ Subtract (1) from (2), we get $$9x = 5$$ $$\therefore \,\, x = \frac{5}{9}$$ $$0.\overline{5} = \f... qquad (2)$$ Subtract (1) from (2) $$99x = 13$$ $$\therefore \,\, x = \frac{13}{99}$$ $$0.\overline{13} =
Exercise 6.1
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-2\\&=10-2k\\&=R \end{align}$ $R$ must be zero. therefore $\begin{align}10-2k &=0 \end{align}$\\ $\beg... )\\&=5(2+k)\\&=R \end{align}$ $R$ must be zero. therefore $\begin{align}5(2+k) &=0 \end{align}$\\ $\be