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Exercise 1.1 (Solutions)
10 Hits, Last modified:
d{array} \] As $(-1)+(-1)=-2 \notin \{0,-1\}$. $\Rightarrow \{0,-1\}$ does not satisfy closure property w.r.t... y} \] As $(-1)\times (-1)= 1 \notin \{0,-1\}$. $\Rightarrow \{0,-1\}$ does not have closure property w.r.t. '... ine \end{array} \] As $1+1=2 \notin \{1,-1\}$. $\Rightarrow \{1,-1\}$ does not closure property w.r.t. '+'. ... he entries of the table belongs to $\{1,-1\}$. $\Rightarrow \{1,-1\}$ has closure property w.r.t. '$\times$'.