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Question 14 and 15 Exercise 6.2
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n $7$ people be arranged at a round table so that 2 particular persons always sit together? ====Solution==... rranged around a round table is $5!$ And the two particular people can be arranged between them selves in $2 !=2$ ways. Hence, number of ways in which $7$ people... where the two people must not sit together is: $$2 \times 5 !=240$$ ====Go To==== <text align="left"><btn type="primary">[[math-11-kpk:sol:unit06:e
Question 11 Exercise 6.2
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====== Question 11 Exercise 6.2 ====== Solutions of Question 11 of Exercise 6.2 of Unit 06: Permutation, Combination and Probablity.... etween $10$ and $1000$ can be formed with digits $2.3,4,0,8,9$ using only once? ====Solution==== We w... ill contain three digits. Thus we split into two parts as:\\ (i) Numbers greater than $10$ but less tha
Question 9 & 10 Review Exercise 6
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ter than a million can be formed with the digits $2,3,0,3,4,2,3$? ====Solution==== We know that $1$ million $=100,0000$. First we are computing the tot... repeated permutation as: $$=\dfrac{7 !}{3 ! \cdot 2 !}=420 $$ But we have find the total number that are greater than $1$ million. In this case number