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Question 5 & 6 Review Exercise 6 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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f certain two students refuse to sit next to each other? ====Solution==== The total number of seats are s... 120$$ If two students refuse to sit next to each other, then the total possible arrangements are: $120-2... rtain two students insist on sitting next to each other? ====Solution==== The total number of seats are s... ity that Faisal and Saima are seated next to each other ====Solution==== The total number of ways sitting
Question 9 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
1 Hits, Last modified:
Since the selection of one does not depend on the other sclection, therefore these two events are indepe
Question 7 Exercise 6.5 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
1 Hits, Last modified:
of $52$ cards out of which $26$ are black cards. Other $26$ are red cards, where red cards consists of $
Question 7 and 8 Exercise 6.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
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ion==== Since everyone will shake hand with every other person, therefore the total number of shake hand
Question 10 Exercise 6.2 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit06
4 Hits, Last modified:
rtain two students insist of sitting next to each other? ====Solution==== Total number of seats are eight... f certain two students insist to sit next to each other then these two students will be handled as a sing... a certain two students refuse to sit next to each other? ====Solution==== Total number of seats are eight... f certain two students refuse to sit next to each other, then the total number ways sitting these student
Unit 03: Vectors (Solutions) @math-11-kpk:sol
2 Hits, Last modified:
ion. * Find a unit vector in the direction of another given vector. * Find the position vector of a p... tors. * Find the projection of a vector along another vector. * Find the work done by a constant forc
Question 11, Exercise 3.3 @math-11-kpk:sol:unit03
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\vec{a}$ and $\vec{c}$ form right angle with each other. =====Question 11 (ii)===== Show that $P(1,0,1),
Definitions: FSc Part1 KPK
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uches one side of the triangle externally and the other two produced sides, is called an escribed circle