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Elementary Linear Algebra by Muhammad Usman Hamid
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natural sciences and social sciences and develop mathematical skills needed to apply these to the problems aris
Complex Analysis (Notes) by Ms. Iqra Liaqat
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of complex numbers. It is useful in a variety of mathematical fields, such as algebraic geometry, number theory
Computing Tools for Mathematics by Asif Arshad
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matics are algorithms that use computers to solve mathematical issues. They are employed in a number of scientif
Notes for Numerical Methods by M Usman Hamid
3 Hits, Last modified:
s offers instruments and strategies for resolving mathematical issues in numerical form. In numerical analysis, ... lgorithms that aim to provide a rough answer to a mathematical issue. Numerical algorithm refers to a comprehen... ection of steps that provides a rough answer to a mathematical problem. A good numerical algorithm depends upon
Numerical Analysis by M Usman Hamid
2 Hits, Last modified:
atics that provides tools and methods for solving mathematical problems in numerical form. In numerical analysis... gorithms for finding an approximate solution to a mathematical problem. ^ Name |Numerical Analysis | ^ Author
Operation Research: Handwritten Notes
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making and problem-solving via the application of mathematical and analytical techniques. The management and adm... ents & Summary==== * Operation research 1 * Mathematical model 1 * Objective function 2 * Decision v
Partial Differential Equations by M Usman Hamid
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Method of Separation of Variables, Exercises * MATHEMATICAL MODELS * Heat Equations and consequences, Wav
Differential Geometry (Notes) by Ms. Kaushef Salamat
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ifferential Geometry is an important field in the mathematical sciences. Usually, this is a compulsory or core s
Differential Geometry by Syed Hassan Waqas
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nd multilinear algebra. Differential calculus and mathematical analysis are related to differential geometry. T
Differential Geometry: Handwritten Notes
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alculus, linear algebra, and multilinear algebra. Mathematical analysis and differential geometry are related co