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MTH424: Convex Analysis (Spring 2024)
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e concept of Convex Analysis, convex sets, convex functions, Differential of the convex function. Developing ... ir properties, Best approximation theorem. Convex functions, Basic definitions, properties, various generalizations, Differentiable convex functions, Hermite and Hadamard inequalities, Subgradient, ... ===== - A. W. Roberts and D. E. Varberg, Convex Functions, Academic Press, New York, 1973. ([[http://books.
MTH103: Exploring Quantitative Skills
11 Hits, Last modified:
linear models, including rectangular coordinates, functions, empowering them to analyze real-world problems w... ng Strategy and Problem solving using sets. === Functions: === Introduction to functions, rates of change, composition of functions, transformation of functions, absolute value function, inverse fu
MTH322: Real Analysis II (Spring 2023)
16 Hits, Last modified:
]]. ===== Course Contents: ===== **Sequences of functions:** Convergence, uniform convergence, uniform conv... ntial and logarithmic function, the trigonometric functions. **Series of functions:** Absolute convergence, uniform convergence, Cauchy criterion, Weiestrass M-test, power series of functions, radius of convergence, Cauchy-Hadamard theorem,
MTH321: Real Analysis I (Spring 2023)
7 Hits, Last modified:
ve various theorems about limits of sequences and functions and emphasize the proofs’ development. Define con... function, prove various theorems about continuous functions and emphasize the proofs’ development. Define the... , prove various theorems about the derivatives of functions and emphasize the proofs’ development. Define a c... )$. - If $f$ and $g$ are continuous real valued functions on closed interval $\left[ a,b \right]$ and $f$ a