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General Mathematics (Paper A & B)
17 Hits, Last modified:
ves. Leibnitz’s theorem. Limits and continuity of functions of two variables. Partial differentiation and its geometrical meaning for functions of two variables. Euler’s theorem. Incremen... ofs) and indeterminate forms. L’ Hospital rule of functions. Increasing and decreasing functions. ==== SECTION-II (4/12: 16,16,16,16) ==== Translation and
A-Course of Mathematics (Paper A & B)
11 Hits, Last modified:
ves. Leibnitz’s theorem. Limits and continuity of functions of two variables. Partial differentiation and its geometrical meaning for functions of two variables. Euler’s theorem. Incremen... e and its applications. Increasing and decreasing functions. Intermediate value theorem and its immedia... pplications. Circular, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions. Separation into real and imaginary parts.
Pure Mathematics (Paper A & B)
5 Hits, Last modified:
ves. Leibnitz’s theorem. Limits and continuity of functions of two variables. Partial differentiation and its geometrical meaning for functions of two variables. Euler’s theorem. Incremen... e and its applications. Increasing and decreasing functions. Intermediate value theorem and its immedia... pplications. Circular, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions. Separation into real and imaginary parts.
B-Course of Mathematics (Paper A & B)
2 Hits, Last modified:
oducts. Differentiation and integration of vector functions. Gradient, divergence and curl. Differentia... pter 3 |Differentiation and integration of vector functions| ^Chapter 4 (Vector Analysis)^| |Chapter 4
Applied Mathematics (Paper A & B)
1 Hits, Last modified:
oducts. Differentiation and integration of vector functions. Gradient, divergence and curl. Differentia