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Unit 02: Differentiation: Mathematics FSc part 2 @fsc:fsc_part_2_solutions:ch02
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02:view&cp=01&p=07&ch=02&fp=Ex-2-1-FSC-part2-ver3|Exercise 2.1]] * [[vfsc2>ch02:view&cp=01&p=03&ch=02&fp=Ex-2-2-FSC-part2-ver3|Exercise 2.2]] * [[vfsc2>ch02:view&cp=01&p=10&ch=02&fp=Ex-2-3-FSC-part2-ver3|Exercise 2.3]] * [[vfsc2>ch02:view&cp=01&p=08&ch=02&fp=Ex-2-4-FSC-part2-ver3-2|Exercise 2.4]] * [[vfsc2>ch02:view&cp=01&p=15&ch=02&fp=
Unit 03: Integration
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$ * Simple application of Differentials * Exercise 3.1 * Integration as anti-derivative ( Inverse ... of $[f(x)]^n f'(x)$ and $[f(x)]^{-1}f'(x)$ * Exercise 3.2 * Integration by Method of Substitution * Some Useful Substitutions * Exercise 3.3 * Integration by parts * Exercise 3.4 * Integration involving Partial Fraction * Exercise 3
Unit 01: Functions and Limits
13 Hits, Last modified:
tion * Even Function * Odd Function * Exercise 1.1 * Composition of Function and Inverse of a ... gebraic Method to find the Inverse Function * Exercise 1.2 * Limits of a Function and Theorems on Limi... {\theta\to 0}\frac{\sin\theta}{\theta} = 1$ * Exercise 1.3 * Continuous and Discontinuous Function ... * Continuity of a function at a number * Exercise 1.4 * Graphs * Graph of the Exponential Fun