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Unit 03: Integration
2 Hits, Last modified:
ite Integrals * Exercise 3.7 * Differential Equations * Solution of a Differential Equation of First Order * Initial Conditions * Exercise 3.8 <cal
Unit 01: Functions and Limits
2 Hits, Last modified:
ph of Implicit Function * Graph of parametric Equations * Graph of Discontinuous Function * Graphical Solution of the Equations * Exercise 1.5 <callout type="tip" icon="tr
Unit 06: Conic Section
6 Hits, Last modified:
ed from Software section. * Introduction * Equation of a Circle * General form of an Equation of a Circle * Equation of a Circle Determind by given Conditions * Exercise 6.1 * Tangents and N... xercise 6.3 * Parabola * General form of an Equation of a Parabola * Other Standard Parabolas
Unit 04: Introduction to Analytic Geometry
10 Hits, Last modified:
ation and Rotation of Axes * Exercise 4.2 * Equations of Straight Lines * Slope or Gradient of a Straight Line Joining Two Points * Equation of a Straight Lines Parallel to the x-axis (or Perpendicular to the y-axis) * Equation of a Straight Lines Parallel to the y-axis (or Pe... the x-axis) * Derivation of Standard forms of Equations of Straight Lines * A Linear Equation in two
Unit 02: Differentiation
1 Hits, Last modified:
ivative of a Function given in form of parametric Equations * Differentiation of Implicit Relation * E