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Question 1 Exercise 4.3
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ion==== Let $a_1$ be first term and $d$ be common difference of given A.P. Then \begin{align}&a_1=9 \\ &d=7-9... ion==== Let $a_1$ be first term and $d$ be common difference of given A.P. Then \begin{align}&a_1=3 \\ &d=\df
Question 10 Exercise 4.4
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n. =====Question 10===== Find two numbers if the difference between them is $48$ and their A.M exceeds their ... two numbers be $a$ and $b$ \\ Condition-$1$\\ The difference between them is $48$\\ Therefore, $$\quad a-b=48.
Question 5 and 6 Exercise 4.2
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}}\right)\\ &=\log b. \end{align} We see that the difference of consecutive terms $d$ is constant, i.e. indepe
Question 7 Exercise 4.2
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ion==== Let $a_1$ be first term and $d$ be common difference of A.P. As given \begin{align} &a_6+a_4=6 \\ \im
Question 7 & 8 Exercise 4.3
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equence\\ with first term $a_1=1$, and the common difference $d=2$.\\ We know that: \begin{align}S_n&=\dfrac{n