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Short Term Preparation FSc/ICS 1
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erazi.pdf|Short Term Preparation FSc 1 }} <HTML><center</HTML> **{{:fsc-part1-ptb:short-term-preparation-fsc-1-ptb-salman-sherazi.pdf|Download PDF}}** <HTML></center</HTML>
Definitions: FSc Part 1 (Mathematics): PTB
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in length, the angle subtended by one part at the center of the circle is called a degree. * **Allied a... ion, are called trigonometric function. <HTML> <center><p> <span class="bs-wrap bs-wrap-button" data-btn... s-HSSC-I-Waqas-Sulaiman.pdf">Download PDF (190KB)</a></span> </p></center> </HTML> {{tag>FSc FSc_Part1}}